How to Start Blogging Anonymously With WordPress (In 5 Steps)

Thinking about how to start blogging anonymously?

You’re not alone! In an age where privacy is increasingly important, many aspiring writers want to share their thoughts without putting their personal details on display. Whether you’re looking to protect your identity, avoid unwanted attention, or feel more comfortable expressing bold opinions, blogging anonymously could be the perfect solution.

The good news is, with the right approach, you can still engage with readers, build a loyal following, and even monetize your blog—all while staying completely under the radar.

Reasons to Consider Anonymous Blogging with WordPress

Before discussing how to begin anonymous blogging, let’s first explore its compelling reasons:

Strengthen Your Writing

Many blog anonymously as a way of honing their writing. Anonymity allows you to establish a consistent writing routine without facing judgment from others.

Express Bold Opinions

Having strong opinions can be intimidating, and anonymous speech provides a safety net against online harassment, allowing you to express them freely without self-censoring.

Maintain Your Privacy

Blogging anonymously gives you an outlet to express yourself without becoming the center of attention.

Advantages of provides anonymous blogging a great advantage, offering self-hosting options unlike its competitor platforms such as

Why Blog Anonymously?

There are many reasons why someone might choose to blog anonymously. It’s not just for whistleblowers or political activists—blogging anonymously can appeal to anyone. Here are some of the main reasons you might want to hide your identity while writing online:

Maintain Privacy in a Public Space

Sharing personal experiences, ideas, or opinions is inherently vulnerable. Some bloggers may feel uncomfortable knowing that their real name, contact details, or other identifying information could be linked to their content. Blogging anonymously allows you to maintain control over what information is made public, giving you peace of mind.

Avoid Online Harassment

Unfortunately, the internet can sometimes be a hostile space. Even harmless content can attract trolls, cyberbullies, or unsolicited attention. By keeping your identity under wraps, you can blog without worrying about personal attacks, doxxing, or threats.

Write About Sensitive or Controversial Topics

Sometimes the subject matter you want to explore might be personal, controversial, or sensitive in nature. This can include discussing mental health, relationships, politics, or work-related issues. Blogging anonymously provides a safe outlet to speak openly without fear of repercussions in your personal or professional life.

Separate Your Personal and Professional Life

If you want to blog about something unrelated to your day job, especially if it conflicts with your professional image, anonymity gives you the ability to separate the two worlds. For example, if you’re a lawyer by day and want to run a blog about street fashion at night, it might be easier to do so under a pseudonym.

Step-by-Step Guide to Blogging Anonymously

Now that you understand why people choose to blog anonymously, let’s look at how you can create your blog while ensuring your identity stays private.

1. Start with a VPN: Shield Your Digital Footprint

One of the easiest ways to protect your online privacy is by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network). Every time you access the internet, your IP address can be tracked by websites, hackers, or your internet service provider (ISP). A VPN encrypts your connection, making it harder for anyone to track your online activity back to your real location.

Choosing the Right VPN:
Not all VPNs are created equal. Services like NordVPN or ExpressVPN are highly recommended for their privacy features and no-log policies. They mask your IP address and route your traffic through different servers, which adds an extra layer of security.

2. Create an Anonymous Email Account

When setting up your blog, you’ll need to provide an email address. For anonymity, it’s crucial not to use your primary personal or work email. Instead, create a new email account specifically for your blog. Here’s how to do it securely:

  • Use ProtonMail for increased privacy—it’s an email service with built-in encryption and does not require personal information for sign-up.
  • Avoid connecting your anonymous email to any phone numbers or secondary accounts tied to your real identity.
  • When signing up for services related to your blog (hosting, social media, etc.), use this anonymous email account.

3. Choose a Web Host That Protects Your Privacy

When you decide to blog with WordPress, you have two options: using or To maintain complete control over your privacy, it’s better to use with self-hosted web hosting. Here’s what to look for in a host:

  • Privacy-Focused Hosting Providers:
    Some web hosts, like Shinjiru or OrangeWebsite, specialize in protecting the anonymity of their clients. They allow you to register your hosting account without providing personal information, and some even accept cryptocurrency for payments.
  • WHOIS Privacy Protection:
    If you’re registering your domain name, be sure to enable WHOIS privacy protection. This service hides your real contact information from the public WHOIS database, ensuring that your name, address, and email aren’t exposed to anyone who looks up your domain. Domain registrars like Namecheap offer this service for free or at a low cost.

4. Set Up WordPress Anonymously

Now that you have your hosting and domain sorted, it’s time to set up WordPress. Follow these steps:

  • Install WordPress:
    Most web hosts offer a one-click installation for WordPress. Simply log in to your hosting account and look for the option to install WordPress. This step is the same regardless of whether you’re hosting your site anonymously or not.
  • Choose a Secure Theme:
    Select a reputable, secure theme from the WordPress theme directory. Avoid themes from untrusted third-party sources, as they could contain malicious code that compromises your anonymity.
  • Configure Plugins for Privacy:
    Install security plugins like Wordfence or iThemes Security to protect your site from hackers. You can also use plugins like Hide My WP to further protect your identity by masking WordPress-specific information from hackers or bots.

5. Develop Your Blogger Persona

To blog anonymously, you’ll need a pseudonym or blogger persona. Your pseudonym will serve as the name by which your readers know you. Here are some tips for crafting your anonymous identity:

  • Pick a Memorable Pen Name:
    Your pseudonym should be easy to remember and related to the niche you’re blogging about. Avoid using common names that could lead to confusion.
  • Create a Story:
    Some anonymous bloggers choose to build an entire persona around their pseudonym. This can include a fictional backstory or writing style that matches the tone of your blog. This adds a level of intrigue and can help you connect with readers on a more personal level, even if you’re not revealing your real identity.

Best Practices to Start Blogging Anonymously

Once your blog is live, the challenge isn’t over—you’ll need to remain vigilant to maintain your anonymity. Here are some best practices to follow:

Be Mindful of Your Writing

Even if your name isn’t attached to your blog, your writing style, tone, or subject matter could potentially give away your identity. To avoid this:

  • Don’t mention real-life details like your hometown, workplace, or the names of people close to you.
  • Be careful with the specific dates, places, and events you mention.
  • If you’re discussing personal experiences, try to keep them vague or alter details that could be used to identify you.

Use Anonymous Social Media Accounts

Promoting your blog on social media is an essential step in growing your audience, but it’s important to use accounts that don’t link back to your real identity. Set up new social media profiles under your pseudonym and use these accounts to share your content, interact with followers, and promote your blog.

Avoid Personal Photos or Metadata

If you post images on your blog, be aware that digital photos often contain metadata—information such as the date and location the photo was taken, the type of camera used, and even GPS coordinates. Before uploading any images, strip them of metadata using tools like ExifTool.

Monetizing Your Anonymous Blog

Can you make money from a blog while staying anonymous? Absolutely. Here are a few ways you can monetize your anonymous blog without revealing your identity:

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways for bloggers to earn income. Sign up for affiliate programs in your niche, and include affiliate links in your blog posts. Many affiliate programs only require an email for sign-up, making it easy to join anonymously.

Google AdSense

If your blog generates enough traffic, you can apply to Google AdSense to display ads and earn revenue. You’ll need to provide payment information, but you can use your pseudonym and separate email for correspondence. Just be mindful of any personal details that might be linked to your AdSense account.

Sell Digital Products

Another way to monetize your blog is by selling digital products like e-books, courses, or printables. You can set up an online shop on your blog using plugins like WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads, and accept payments through third-party services like PayPal or Stripe under your pseudonym.


Blogging anonymously allows you to share your thoughts, expertise, and creativity without compromising your privacy. By following these steps—using a VPN, creating an anonymous email, and carefully protecting your personal information—you can enjoy the freedom of expressing yourself online while staying safe and secure.

So, whether you’re tackling sensitive topics, protecting your personal brand, or simply enjoying the freedom to write without judgment, anonymous blogging with WordPress gives you the tools you need to stay in control of your identity. Ready to start? Take the leap today and create your anonymous blog!

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