What Are the Best Conversation Starters for Online Dating

Are you looking for the perfect conversation starters for online dating

Don’t settle for boring, pre-crafted messages. Instead, make a great impression on your potential date with thoughtfully selected conversation starters to help you break the ice and get the ball rolling on engaging dialogue. I have curated some of the best questions to ask – so you won’t be at a loss when asked about yourself or your interests! 

Make sure you stand out from all other singles in cyberspace by using our tested strategies to draw their attention and start meaningful conversations. We guarantee these tips will help ensure an enjoyable experience while eliminating any awkwardness or uncomfortable pauses in your chats! 

Check out What Are The Best Conversation Starters now, and get ready to start up those meaningful conversations today!

Before you must choose the best online dating sites for you, it’s important to select conversation starters that reflect your personality and interests.

Start with a Personalized Greeting

Best conversation starters for online dating must contain a personalized greeting and should be tailored to the recipient’s interests and personality. If you know they like a particular activity or hobby, ask them what their favourite thing about it is. This will let them know you are interested in getting to know more about them and help break the ice.

Your first message should be a personalized greeting referencing something in the other person’s profile. This will show them you took the time to look at their profile and ensure they don’t feel like just another match. It also allows you to ask a question or two about what they have written, allowing you to find common ground and start a conversation.

Examples of personalized greetings

Here are some examples of personalized greetings that you can use to make a great first impression:

“Hi, I noticed in your profile that you love travelling. What was the best place you’ve ever visited?”

“Hey there! Your profile said you’re an animal lover, which made me think of my favourite pet – what’s yours?”

“Hi! I saw you mentioned reading books in your bio. What kind of books are your favourite to read?”

Share a Fun Fact About Yourself

The conversation should flow naturally from your personalized greeting, so be sure to create something creative and unique about yourself that you can share. This can be anything from a fun fact about yourself to your favourite hobby or even something funny you recently experienced. Sharing something personal like this makes it easier for the other person to connect with you on a deeper level and remember what is said!

Examples of Fun Facts

Here are some examples of fun facts that could get your conversation started:

“I love to try new recipes – I just cooked a mean lasagna last week!”

“I’ve recently started collecting vintage records and it’s become one of my favourite hobbies.”

“I’m always up for a challenge, so I recently learnt how to solve the Rubik’s cube in under 5 minutes.”

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Finally, be sure to ask open-ended questions. This means that the other person will have to provide more than a yes or no answer, which encourages longer conversations and can help you get to know each other better. Avoid generic questions like “What do you do for a living?” and instead ask something more specific that ties into what they might have said in their profile. 

Examples of Open-ended Questions

Here are some examples of open-ended questions to get the conversation going:

“I noticed you mentioned wanting to travel – what kind of places would you like to visit?”

“What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?”

“How did you get into your line of work and what do you enjoy most about it?”

Now that you have our top tips for conversation starters, you can easily start an engaging conversation! So don’t be afraid to reach out and get talking – it could be the start of something special.

Use Shared Interests or Hobbies

Another great way to get the conversation going is to focus on shared interests or hobbies. Talk about activities, movies, books, music or anything else that you may both be interested in and could provide a basis for conversation. Not only can this help connect the two of you, but it could also spark an interesting debate!

Examples of Shared Interests

Here are some examples of shared interests to kick off the conversation:

“Have you seen any good movies lately?”

“What’s your go-to type of music when you want to relax?”

“I noticed that you like hiking – what’s your favourite spot to go?”

These conversation starters should get the ball rolling and help you find some common ground. From there, it’s just a matter of keeping the conversation flowing by asking interesting questions.

Compliment their Profile

A great way to connect with the other person is by complimenting their profile. It can be something about their photo, interests, or even something clever they wrote in their bio. Compliments are always appreciated, showing that you took the time to read through their profile, which will stand out from all the other messages they may have received.

Examples of Compliments

Here are some examples of compliments you could use to get the conversation going:

“Your profile photo is so cool – did you take it yourself?”

“I love the way you express yourself in your bio, it really stands out!”

“I’m impressed by all the activities you’re involved in – how do you find time for it all?”

Complimenting someone on their profile is a great way to start an engaging conversation and connect. So take the time to craft your message and ensure it stands out from the crowd!

Ask for Recommendations

Finally, you can get the conversation started by asking for recommendations. Whether it’s a great spot to grab a coffee in town or an interesting book they’ve read recently, getting their opinion on something is a great way to start an interesting conversation.

Examples of Recommendations

Here are some examples of recommendations that could spark an interesting conversation:

“Do you have any good recommendations for a restaurant I should try out?”

“I’m looking to pick up a new hobby – do you have any suggestions?”

“Have you seen any great movies lately that I should watch?”

Asking for recommendations is a great way to get the conversation going and show that you’re open to their suggestions. So why not go and see where the conversation takes you?

Avoid Generic Conversation Starters

No matter how you start the conversation, avoid generic and boring questions like “How are you?” or “What do you do for a living?”. Instead, take the time to craft an interesting message showing that you took the time to read their profile. This will make your message stand out and help you start an engaging conversation.

Use Humor

Funny conversation starters for online dating are another way to get the conversation rolling. Try to think of something funny or clever that you can say to break the ice and make them laugh.

Humour is also a great way to break the ice and start an interesting conversation. Whether it’s a funny anecdote or joke, using humour can help lighten the mood and show your playful side. Just be sure not to overdo it, as this could come across as too much!

Examples of Humor

Here are some examples of humorous conversation starters you could use:

“I can already tell that we’re going to have a great conversation. Maybe I’ll even learn something new… or not!”

“Is it just me, or does this feel like our first date?”

“I’m pretty sure we have a lot in common – or at least, that’s what my mom tells me!”

Humour is a great way to start an interesting conversation and show your playful side. Just be sure not to overdo it, as this could come across as too much!

Don’t Be Flirty

Flirty conversation starters for online dating are not the best way to start a conversation. While flirting is important in any relationship, it’s important to avoid coming across as too forward or aggressive when first getting to know someone.

Examples of Flirty Conversation Starters

Here are some examples of flirty conversation starters that should be avoided:

“You look like someone I could be into – want to chat?”

“Your profile photo is so cute, it made me swoon!”

“You seem like a really cool person, let’s get to know each other!”

While flirting can help lighten the mood, it’s important to avoid being too forward or aggressive when first getting to know someone. Keep the conversation light, fun and engaging by asking questions that spark an interesting conversation.

Be Mindful of Cultural Differences

Online dating conversation starters with a girl or guy from a different culture can be tricky. Make sure you’re respectful of their beliefs, values, and customs before asking any questions.

Finally, being mindful of cultural differences is important when starting a conversation. Certain topics could be considered offensive or taboo, depending on the person you’re talking to. So make sure to do your research and always be respectful when engaging in conversation with someone from a different culture.

Starting an interesting conversation with someone new can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Using the tips above, you can craft an interesting message that will stand out from all the other messages they may receive and help you start a great conversation! So go ahead and give it a try – you never know where it might lead!


Starting an interesting conversation with someone new can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. By crafting your message and making sure it stands out from the crowd, you can make a great connection and start an engaging conversation. So take the time to explore these tips and see where they take you – you never know what kind of interesting conversations you could have! Good luck, and have fun!

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