How to Get Sponsored Blog Posts : A Step-by-Step Guide to Securing Your First Sponsor

sponsored blog posts

If you’re ready to monetize your blog, congratulations! It means you believe in the value of your content, which is an essential step toward success. Sponsored blog posts are an excellent way to earn money while maintaining control over your creative process. This guide will walk you through the process of finding sponsors and writing effective sponsored blog posts that align with your values and audience.

What Are Sponsored Blog Posts?

A sponsored blog post is when a brand pays you to write about their product or service in a way that reflects your views and values. While brands may provide guidelines, the post is largely under your creative control. The key to a successful sponsored post is balancing your endorsement of the brand with your authentic voice. It must align with your blog’s overall tone and what your audience expects from you.

In this guide, we will break down the steps necessary to find and secure your first sponsor and show you how to create a long-term plan for future partnerships.

1. How to Find Brands for Sponsorship Opportunities

The first step in landing sponsored posts is finding the right brands. Start by looking at competitors in your niche and see who they have partnered with. This can give you an idea of which companies are open to collaborations. Also, research brands that actively participate in influencer marketing and sponsored content.

Networking Events

Attending conferences, meetups, and expos is another great way to connect with brands. At these events, you can meet marketing teams, exchange business cards, and hand out your media kit (more on that later).

Focus on Startups

Startups, especially those that have recently received funding, are often eager to expand their visibility. Use platforms like Crunchbase and AngelList to search for startups by recent funding rounds, industry, or location. Many startups are open to working with bloggers and influencers to promote their product.

Use Online Platforms

Platforms such as Aspire, Activate, and Influencity are specifically designed to connect bloggers with brands. These platforms allow you to browse campaigns and apply for sponsorships. Be sure to have a polished media kit when using these platforms to stand out among other applicants.

2. Researching the Brands You Want to Work With

Before reaching out to any potential sponsors, it’s critical to ensure the brand aligns with your values. Authenticity is essential in building trust with your audience, and misalignment can hurt your reputation and chances of future collaborations.

Understand the Brand’s Values

Look at the company’s website, particularly their “About Us” or “Our Values” sections. Read their social media posts, advertisements, and customer reviews to get a sense of how they are perceived by the public.

If their values align with yours, it will be easier to tell their story authentically. Brands value this kind of partnership because it resonates more with their target audience, making the collaboration more meaningful.

Avoid Value Clashes

If you run a travel blog that promotes long-distance travel, it wouldn’t make sense to partner with a brand that focuses on environmental sustainability. Instead, look for brands that align with your content and will resonate with your audience.

3. Timing is Key: Knowing When to Pitch

Timing is crucial when approaching a potential sponsor. Research the business context of your target brand by checking their website, social media updates, and press releases. If a brand is launching a new product or service, it may be the perfect time to offer your support as part of their marketing strategy.

Keeping an eye on press releases and product announcements will help you identify when a brand might be looking for collaborations. Platforms like PRWeb allow you to monitor press releases by industry, making it easier to find relevant opportunities.

4. Crafting a Personalized Pitch

Once you’ve identified the right brand and timing, it’s time to write your pitch. Avoid generic emails and instead, craft a personalized message that reflects your personality. Brands receive dozens of proposals, and the key to standing out is to show authenticity.

Be Vulnerable

Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability in your pitch. Acknowledge any uncertainties you have or share your excitement about working with the brand. This makes your message more relatable and increases the chances of a positive response.

For example, if you’re new to sponsored content, mention that you’re excited to dive into it but are still learning. This kind of transparency fosters trust and can set you apart from more seasoned bloggers who may lack that personal touch.

5. Preparing a Media Kit

A media kit is an essential tool when reaching out to potential sponsors. It showcases your blog’s value by providing key information like audience demographics, traffic statistics, and engagement metrics. Include testimonials from readers or past sponsors (if any) to add credibility.

What to Include in Your Media Kit:

  • Blog overview and mission statement
  • Audience demographics (age, gender, location)
  • Traffic statistics (monthly pageviews, unique visitors)
  • Engagement metrics (social media followers, comments, shares)
  • Testimonials from readers or previous collaborations
  • Collaboration options (sponsored posts, product reviews, social media shout-outs)

By providing this information upfront, you make it easier for brands to assess the potential value of a collaboration.

6. Proposing a Long-Term Collaboration

Instead of pitching a single sponsored post, think bigger. Offer a long-term content plan that spans multiple blog posts, social media promotions, and even video content. Brands are more likely to invest in a blogger who can provide ongoing value rather than a one-off post.

A long-term partnership also allows for more authentic content creation, as you can gradually introduce the brand to your audience without overwhelming them. Tailor your content plan to each brand by putting yourself in their shoes and thinking about what will provide the highest return on investment for them.

7. Show Examples of Your Work

Even if this is your first time pitching sponsored content, you can still provide examples of your work. Create sample blog posts or mock-ups for your favorite brands. Be upfront about the fact that these are examples, but make sure they showcase your writing skills and creativity.

Having these samples allows potential sponsors to visualize what a partnership with you would look like. It also reassures them that you can deliver high-quality content.

8. Consider Adding Video Content

Video content is a powerful tool for connecting with brands and audiences alike. While your blog may focus on written content, consider recording a short video introducing yourself and explaining why you’d like to collaborate with a particular brand. This can be as simple as a two-minute introduction filmed on your smartphone.

By adding a video element to your pitch, you show brands that you’re willing to go the extra mile to stand out. It also adds a personal touch to your outreach, which can make a big difference in a crowded inbox.

9. Offering a Discount for First-Time Sponsors

Offering a special deal for first-time sponsors can make your proposal more appealing. For example, you could offer a 20-30% discount on your first collaboration, positioning it as a “special welcome deal.” This strategy not only increases the likelihood of securing the partnership but also sets the stage for future work.

Brands love getting a deal, and it shows that you’re eager to build a long-term relationship rather than just making a quick buck.

10. Follow Up with Prospective Sponsors

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t hear back immediately after sending your pitch. Brands are busy, and your email might have been overlooked. Following up is crucial and shows persistence.

Wait 3-4 days after your initial email and send a polite follow-up. Keep it short and to the point, perhaps by forwarding your original email and including a simple question or call to action, such as scheduling a call or watching the video you sent.

11. Collect Testimonials and Build Credibility

After successfully collaborating with a sponsor, don’t forget to ask for a testimonial. These testimonials are invaluable for building credibility with future sponsors. Be respectful of their time, and ask for a brief written testimonial that you can include in your media kit.

Positive feedback from a sponsor can make a significant impact when approaching new brands, as it demonstrates your ability to deliver value and build strong relationships.


How do I approach a brand for sponsorship?

Start by researching the brand, aligning your values with theirs, and crafting a personalized pitch. Be transparent, show examples of your work, and highlight how your collaboration can provide value.

How much should I charge for a sponsored post?

Your rate will depend on various factors, including your blog’s traffic, audience engagement, and the scope of the project. Start with a rate that reflects your current blog’s value and increase as you build credibility.

How do I ensure authenticity in sponsored posts?

Always choose brands that align with your blog’s values and mission. Write sponsored content in your authentic voice and make sure it resonates with your audience.


Securing sponsored blog posts requires careful planning, research, and outreach. By aligning with brands that share your values, crafting personalized pitches, and offering long-term collaborations, you can build strong, lasting partnerships. Don’t forget the importance of following up and collecting testimonials to strengthen your credibility. Sponsored posts are a win-win when done right, benefiting both your blog and the brands you collaborate with.

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